48 Roosevelt Dr.
Watsonville, CA 95076

We’re open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST

get in touch with us

Address: 48 Roosevelt Dr.
Watsonville, CA 95076
Email: admin@dose-lan.com
Phone number:+14249031245

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

The delivery charges is $100 but for orders above $1000 the delivery is done free

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We accept secured payment method such as Bitcoins,
Zelle, CashApp, and Apple Pay

How long will delivery take?

Delivery within the USA is done the same day but out of the USA it takes about 1 to 2 days

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

customers data are kept secure and can been seen only by customer and owner of the system. we use only secure payment method to avoid any customer unsatisfaction

What exactly happens after ordering?

After ordering you recieve an email with your products details and prices while waiting for the owner of the store to send his payement deatails for payment to be done. An after payment is done, we proceed immediately with delivery if it is within the USA. but if it is out of the USA, the delivery will be done the next day but we can proceed with delivery the same day if it is urgent

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

After payment is done, you receive an invoice with all your information on it

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